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5 Signs You Weren't Truly Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming has become a popular buzzword in the world of sleep and dream exploration.

While many claim to experience this heightened state of dream consciousness, there is a great deal of misunderstanding as to what constitutes a true lucid dream.

Was it a real lucid dream?

Not every "aware" dream is a genuine lucid dream.

Today we'll explore 5 unmistakable signs that indicate your dream wasn't as lucid as you may have believed.


1. Time Distortions:

If your dream stretches on seemingly forever, or if moments seem to flit by in a blink of an eye, you may not be in a true lucid state.

Time in lucid dreams

In genuine lucid dreams, studies have shown that the sense of time is relatively consistent with waking life.

Non-lucid dreams can deceive the mind with false memories, sudden scene changes, or narrative jumps, all creating an illusion of an expanded or contracted timeline.

True lucidity offers a clear, linear progression of time.


2. Poor Logic and Reasoning Abilities

In the lucid state, cognitive abilities mirror those of our awake state. You'll question anomalies, discern inconsistencies, and make decisions based on logic.

logic in lucid dreams

If you find yourself going along with absurdities, like flying pigs or talking furniture without questioning their existence, then your dream might lack true lucidity. Authentic lucidity equips the dreamer with a more analytical mindset.


3. Mistaking Dream Characters or Events as Real:

A genuine lucid dreamer has the innate understanding that everything around them is a construct of their mind.

lucid dream characters

If you're feeling guilty about a disagreement with a dream character or worrying about real-world repercussions from a dream scenario, it indicates a lack of the conscious awareness characteristic of lucid dreaming.


4. Strong Emotional Pulls:

Emotions in dreams can be intense. However, in a lucid dream, there's a level of detachment. You might feel the emotion but also observe it simultaneously, understanding its transient nature.

Lucid dream emotions

Being entirely swayed, whether plummeting into despair from a nightmare or soaring from euphoric scenarios, without this self-aware detachment might mean you're not truly lucid.


5. Absence of The Lucid Epiphany:

One of the defining moments of a lucid dream is the realization itself. It's an unmistakable clarity where you proclaim, internally or externally, "This is a dream!"

Realising you're dreaming

If you only remember the dream's events but not this profound moment of recognition, lucidity might have eluded you.

(note: this does not apply to Maintained Awareness Lucid Dreams aka Wake-Initiated Lucid Dreams (WILDs)


Lucid Dreaming is LUCID Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is more than simply the vague knowldge that you're dreaming, it also requires a high level of critical thinking and a clear and logical mind (hence the name "lucid")

Lucid (adj.): Pertaining to a state of heightened awareness and clarity in thought or perception. Characterized by clear understanding and the ability to think rationally and coherently.

Understanding these nuanced signs not only refines your understanding of lucid dreaming but also deepens your lucid dreaming practice.

By differentiating genuine lucidity from fake lucid dreams and doppelgangers, you open doors to mastering this fascinating state of consciousness.


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