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What are the benefits of lucid dreaming?

Lucid dreaming is one of nature's most interesting free gifts.


There are numerous reasons why lucid dreaming is an important state and interesting skill to develop, with many more yet to be discovered.


While lucid dreaming is a fascinating and useful state, it is not certainly not magic, it's not a source of miraculous physical cures or a key to superhuman abilities.  Equally, lucid dreaming itself isn't a "special state" that signifies spiritual or intellectual advancement, after all it occurs spontaneously and naturally for many individuals across all levels of mental and philosophical development.  

Lucid dreaming could be considered as nature's own virtual reality, a powerful state of mind that is running upon the most complicated biological computer in the known universe - the human brain.


As you can imagine, it might have a lot of potential.


Lucid dreams offer insights into otherwise inaccessible aspects of the mind. 



The following are just a handful of POSSIBLE benefits of lucid dreaming:

Lucid dreaming itself is just an exotic altered state of mind and in practical psychological terms it is technically no more outstanding than a nightmare.


However, the unique interaction between cognizant critical thinking and dreaming that occur during a lucid dream means that lucid dreaming could be considered as something of a psychological tool. It can therefore potentially be used for all manner of experiments.

Below is a list of common claims regarding the possible benefits of lucid dreaming.


However, it is vital to remember that virtually all these claims are anecdotal and there is no firm scientific evidence to support them. 


Remember, lucid dreaming does not guarantee any of these outcomes,  as by itself it is only an exotic form of dream.


However, should you have the curiosity to learn how to lucid dream, and approach it with a logical mind, you will have the opportunity to experiment and discover for yourself if such claims are true.


  • Increased understanding of the inner working of your mind.

  • Improved mental flexibility and awareness.

  • Psychological self-assessment, improvement and self-therapy.

  • The development of observational, rational and critical skills (lucid living).

  • A tool for the exploration of philosophical and spiritual concepts. 

  • A new means to tap the innate creativity of the human mind.

  • Direct access to the storehouse of your memories. 

  • Extended conscious living, by utilising a time that would have otherwise been spent in fuzzy, semi-conscious thinking. (please note this is greatly exaggerated by many lucid dreaming teachers, the maximum amount of time one could gain using lucid dreaming, assuming the incredibly unlikely chance that ALL dreams were lucid over an 80 year lifespan, would be about 5 years. In reality, an average lucid dreamer can expect to extend their conscious experiences by a handful of months)

  • Confronting and overcoming phobias and nightmares. 

  • The development of personality skills, such as confidence and optimism.

  • The potential to rehearse and explore situations and behaviours safely.

  • The ability to experience the impossible.

  • Fun, adventure and exploration.





24 HOUR 

Rational and cautious lucid dream training is much more than a curious night-time experience.


The skills and mindset required to learn lucid dreaming can enhance one's life beyond the constraints of sleep and dreams.


Many beginners often treat lucid dreaming as if it is a standalone practice or a goal to be achieved, however, it is far more than this.

In order to become proficient at lucid dreaming, you must first develop a wide range of psychological skills and a deeper understanding of sleep and the mind. These skills are beneficial far beyond their use for initiating lucid dreams.


In order to become a skilled dreamer you must adopt a new way of looking at the world, a new lifestyle; this is often referred to as 'lucid living'.


The skills of lucid living bring logic, critical thinking, and clarity to many aspects of one's life. Often lucid dreamers claim that it is this, rather than the experience of lucid dreams themselves, that is the true benefit of lucid dream practice.


In short, even if you initially struggle to experience a lucid dream, the lifestyle and mindset that you'll acquire to develop the skill will bring you many psychological, philosophical, and emotional benefits.


Lucid dreaming is a first step towards a journey of psychological and philosophical exploration.




To explore lucid dreaming in-depth, take a look at our library:

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