Lucid dreaming is everywhere, but what are the true dangers and how do you distinguish fact from fiction?
If you've been searching for information on how to lucid dream, you're probably feeling a little overwhelmed. The internet is full of lucid dreaming tutorials, guides, and 'experts', but how do you distinguish reality from hype, fact from fiction?
Lucid dreaming is not necessarily dangerous nor safe, in fact, we simply do not know enough regarding its long-term impact.
If explored rationally and with caution, lucid dreaming certainly appears to be one of the safer means to experience an exotic altered state of mind.
Lucid dreaming is a new field of study and greatly under-researched. Frankly, there is simply not enough data to claim unequivocally that lucid dreaming is either safe or healthy for all. It is important to note that nobody is in a position to make claims that it is actively beneficial.
The evidence is limited and mixed. With some studies showing a positive influence on confidence and mood, while others suggesting a possible risk of psychosis to vulnerable individuals. One definite risk is, that when taught irresponsibly, lucid dreaming can lead to poor sleep which is known to negatively impact physical and psychological health.
With due caution and common-sense lucid dreaming can be explored in such a way to minimize any potential risks. Unfortunately, this level of caution is rarely exercised by most proponents.
With unknowns aside, there are some clear issues involved when it comes to choosing your educational source.
Sadly, there are many chancers and charlatans who are willing to mislead you, often with dangerous ideas and misinformation.
The fact that lucid dreaming has been hijacked by all manner of irresponsible groups and individuals is one of the biggest problems facing those new to the subject.
There is a real danger that if you learn from a bad source that you will end up deeply disappointed, out of pocket, with low self-esteem, risking your health, and mistakenly believing that the whole subject is unachievable nonsense.
I don't want you to miss out on this fascinating state of mind, I've put together a quick guide to help you spot the charlatans from cautious and reliable educators.
Don't be drawn in by false promises and hyperbole!
The following checklist is a list of common behaviours and signs that will help you to easily identify those who are more interested in the contents of your wallet than helping you to explore the wonders of your mind.
If you discover a site, teacher, YouTube channel, or product doing any of the following, please consider them untrustworthy.
If your source is making claims that seem too good to be true, then they almost certainly are.
Common fake claims include: "lucid dream instantly", "guaranteed lucid dreams", and "lucid dream easily".
Equally, any devices, pills, teachers, or courses that promise easy or guaranteed lucid dreams are outright lying.
Lucid dreaming requires work and dedication, and your success will rely entirely upon your investment of time and energy. There are no quick-fix solutions for lucid dreaming.
Lucid dreaming is a fascinating state and it may someday prove to have use in a psychological therapeutic setting. Although this is still far from factually established.
However, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest lucid dreaming can be used for any form of physical healing.
If you suffer from a physical or psychological condition, seek the help of a trained medical professional.
Anyone who claims that lucid dreaming can be used for physical healing is an outright charlatan— they are dangerous and unscrupulous individuals who are willing to risk your health for their profit.
If your source claims that lucid dreaming is related to, or can offer, paranormal abilities such as telepathy, OBEs, astral projection, precognition, or any other superstitious and anti-scientific thinking, they are either deluded, lacking in critical thought, or lying.
While it is interesting to speculate on possibilities and to explore the spiritual and philosophical ramifications of lucid dreaming, any paranormal claims that are stated as fact rather than speculation are outright misinformation.
Exaggerated clickbait titles are a great sign that the source you're dealing with is more interested in advertising revenue and profit than honest teaching.
Lucid dreaming is already wonderful and it really doesn't need additional hype or exaggerated titles.
Be wary of those who produce content that is almost exclusively packaged in hype and clickbait.
While it is not a guarantee that the content itself is bad, there is a high correlation between clickbait and misinformation.
YouTube is especially problematic in this regards.
Look out for titles such as "How to lucid dream tonight in 2 minutes" and thumbnails that look garish, childish, or excessively dramatic.
BRANDING and qualifications.
Those who use misleading or official-sounding terms like "academy" or "university" without any justification for doing so, should be your cue to run a mile!
This is also true for those who use their unrelated or bogus qualifications to attempt to appear authoritative.
If your teacher uses a PhD or other qualifications in their branding, be sure to check the validity and relevance of their qualification.
For example, an Msc in Transpersonal Psychology or a PhD in Metaphysics or Sport Science are entirely irrelevant, misleading, and are likely an attempt to portray an undeserved sense of authority.
It is a deceptive tactic and should make you question the honesty of those who do so.
If the source actively promotes drug use as a means to induce lucid dreaming, you should consider them misguided, irresponsible, and potentially dangerous.
It is important to remember that lucid dreaming is an entirely natural state of mind and requires absolutely no drugs or supplements to achieve.
Indeed, many street-drugs, such as cannabis, can have a detrimental influence on one's ability to lucid dream (cannabis is known to suppress REM sleep). Worse still, certain drugs may trigger serious mental health issues in some individuals (and there is no way to ascertain if you're at risk).
While there are a few legal supplements that show promise for inducing lucid dreams, such as Galantamine, these are generally entirely unnecessary and should be avoided by those who have not reached adulthood.
Equally, professional medical advice should be sought before adding any new supplement to one's diet.
Of course, it is every adult's choice to decide the risks they wish to take with their body, and the discussion of such chemicals should be allowed.
However, anyone who actively promotes the use of drugs for lucidity or claims they are required to induce a lucid dream is playing a dangerous game with your health—their claims are also entirely false.
If a site is hiding the majority of its content behind a paywall and claiming to have entirely unique insights only available through them, should you be willing to pay, then they're up to no good.
Honest lucid dreaming teachers will happily share the basic principles and techniques of lucid dreaming for free, and virtually everything you need to know in order to get started with lucidity is easy to find and freely available online.
Of course, honest teachers and content creators also need to pay the bills, however, most reliable sources do so by offering optional services and products designed to enhance your journey.
You should never be forced to pay to learn the fundamentals of lucid dreaming, nor should you trust those who keep forums and basic resources behind a paywall, when both are free and plentiful online.
A simple rule to follow is this: if a site or source claims its products or services are vital, rather than optional, they are lying.
If the source is affiliated with others who engage in any of the behaviours listed above, then they are lacking a moral compass or are simply more interested in profit than truth.
The old adage applies:
"you can judge a person by the company they keep"
If your source is connected with, or promotes, those who engage in misinformation and bad behaviour then they are guilty by association.
Also, remember that popularity is not a yardstick for validity.
There are plenty of very large websites and content creators who have achieved their popularity through hype and false but alluring claims.
Essentially, those who have gained a large audience this way have done so by preying on the naivety and trust of the public.