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Lucid Dreaming World Records

Writer's picture: The Lucid GuideThe Lucid Guide

Lucid dreaming is amazing and it's still very young subject- this means that there is still a huge amount of opportunity for new discoveries and record breaking!

Today we'll look at some lucid dreaming world records, firsts, and the people who achieved them!

Lucid Dreaming World Records

And remember, there's still a lot to be discovered and achieved with this subject, perhaps you can find your own place on this list!


Lucid Dreaming World Records


First Person to Name Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dream World record holder: Frederik Willem van Eeden & Hervey de Saint Denys

Frederik willem van eeden - person to name lucid dreaming

The world record for coining the term "lucid dreaming" is split between two lucid dream pioneers.

Frenchman Hervey de Saint Denys and the Dutch psychiatrist Frederik Willem van Eeden.

In 1913, Dutch Frederik (Willem) van Eeden (1860–1932) used the term 'lucid dream' in an article titled "A Study of Dreams", marking the first use of the term in a means similar to that used today. However, the phrase "lucid dream" was originally used by Hervey de Saint Denys in his 1867 book on lucid dreaming titled Dreams and How to Guide Them, however despite the book itself being centred on the experience of lucid dreams, Saint Denys use of the term was somewhat a little different.

However, van Eeden mentions Saint Denys work in "A Study of Dreams" which suggests he borrowed the term from Saint Denys.

It's fair to say that both pioneers can be considered as the origins of the term "lucid dream".


World's First Book on Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dream World record holder: Marie-Jean-Léon Lecoq, Baron d'Hervey de Juchereau, Marquis d'Hervey de Saint-Denys

world's first book on lucid dreaming

The world's first book on lucid dream was written by Hervey de Saint Denys a French sinologist who was also known for his research on dreams.

Hervey de Saint Denys - Lucid Dream Pioneer

In 1867 he anonymously published a book titled Les rêves et les moyens de les diriger; observations pratiques (Translation: Dreams and the Ways to Direct Them: Practical Observations).

This marked the first exploration of lucid dreaming in modern literature, and leads many (myself included) to consider Saint Denys to be the father of modern lucid dreaming.


The First Scientist to Prove Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dream World record holder: Keith Hearne

British psychologist Keith Hearne, at the University of Hull in the late 1970s, was the first scientist to provide empirical proof of lucid dreaming, a state where a person is aware they are dreaming and can potentially control the dream's content.

Dr Keith Hearne world's first proof of lucid dreaming

Hearne's unique experiment involved monitoring Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, during which he instructed a skilled lucid dreamer, Alan Worsley, to perform prearranged eye movements when he became conscious within a dream. On April 12, 1975, Hearne's polysomnograph recorded these deliberate eye movements, providing the first objective evidence of lucid dreaming.


Lucid Dream World Record: First Lucid Dreamer to Communicate with the Waking World

Lucid Dream World record holder: Alan Worsley

Alan Worsley, a skilled lucid dreamer, made history by becoming the first person to communicate from within a dream state to the waking world.

World's first lucid dream communication

This remarkable event occurred during an experiment conducted by psychologist Keith Hearne in the late 1970s. Worsley, while in a state of lucid dreaming during REM sleep, executed a series of predetermined eye movements, which were captured and recorded via a polysomnograph. This act of communication from a dreamer to the outside world provided the first objective evidence of lucid dreaming and marked a significant milestone in the study of dream consciousness.


First Scientist to Discover an Effective Lucid Dream Supplement

Lucid Dream World record holder: Stephen LaBerge

Stephen LaBerge, a renowned psychophysiologist and lucid dreaming researcher, made a significant contribution to the field by discovering the first effective lucid dream supplement.

Dr Stephen LaBerge World's First working lucid dream supplement

While working at Stanford University's Sleep Research Center, LaBerge turned his attention towards finding ways to induce and enhance lucid dreaming experiences.

He focused on the naturally occurring compound, galantamine, known for its effects on memory enhancement and cognitive function.

Through rigorous experiments, LaBerge discovered that this supplement could significantly increase both the frequency and clarity of lucid dreams.

The effectiveness of galantamine has since been backed by numerous studies, transforming the way researchers approach lucid dreaming and pioneering a new direction in dream studies.


World's First International Lucid Dreaming Day

Lucid Dream World record holder: Daniel Love

Each year on April 12th to celebrate International Lucid Dreaming Day.

World record International lucid dreaming day

This unique occasion is the world's first global celebration of lucid dreaming, and was initiated by lucid dreaming teacher Daniel Love, with the aim of raising global awareness about lucid dreaming and its fascinating potential.

Selected to commemorate the day in 1975 when the first scientific proof of lucid dreaming was recorded, April 12th now serves as an annual focal point for the international community of lucid dreamers.

It's a day of shared experiences, learning, and celebration, honouring the extraordinary capabilities of the human mind and the mystery and intrigue of dreams.


World's First Lucid Dream Broadcast Live

Lucid Dream World record holder: Daniel Love

In a first-of-its-kind event, lucid dreaming expert Daniel Love live-streamed his own lucid dream in a 11 hour YouTube live stream on December 12th, 2020 (available to view here for channel members).

World record first lucid dream broadcast live Daniel Love

This unique broadcast allowed viewers to observe Love's sleep process as he entered a lucid dream state.

In an act of transparency and commitment to public education, Love allowed a global audience to observe him while he slept and entered a state of lucidity.

Streaming from home, with the absence of sophisticated sleep monitoring equipment, the live-stream was a raw and immersive look into the process of lucid dreaming. Throughout the night, Love kept his audience informed about his experiences, providing real-time updates as he navigated the dream world - resulting in the first lucid dream broadcast live.

Love plans on performing future lucid dream live streams offering a real-time glimpse into brainwave activity using an EEG.


World's First Reality Check

Lucid Dream World record holder: Paul Tholey

German psychologist Paul Tholey made significant strides in lucid dreaming studies by introducing the concept of the "critical question," a practice that would form the bedrock for all future reality tests/reality checks.

Paul Tholey world record holder

A reality test, or reality check, is a cornerstone technique employed by lucid dreamers to ascertain whether they are awake or dreaming. Tholey's "critical question" involves the dreamer asking themselves during the day, "Am I dreaming or am I awake?" The goal is to foster a habit that eventually carries over into the dream state, allowing the dreamer to achieve lucidity.

This innovative approach brought a practical and simple method to lucid dreaming practices worldwide, empowering dreamers with the means to consistently and reliably achieve awareness within their dreams. Tholey's contribution continues to influence the way lucid dreaming is approached and understood, underlining his important role in dream studies.


World's First Recorded Female Lucid Dreamer

Lucid Dream World record holder: Mary Lucy Arnold-Forster Mary Lucy Arnold-Forster holds the distinction of being the world's first recorded female lucid dreamer. An accomplished writer, Arnold-Forster's book Studies in Dreams (1921) offers one of the earliest and most detailed accounts of lucid dreaming from a female perspective.

Known for her ability to become aware and take control of her dreams, Arnold-Forster documented her experiences, shedding light on dream control, manipulating dream environments, and even interactions with dream characters. Her work has served as a foundation for many lucid dreaming techniques used today.

Arnold-Forster's pioneering exploration into the realm of lucid dreaming carved a path for future dream researchers and lucid dreamers, irrespective of gender, underlining her importance in the field of dream studies. Her contributions continue to inspire, encouraging many to step into the world of lucid dreaming and explore its vast potential.


Become a Lucid Dream Record Breaker

Lucid dreaming, despite its ancient roots, is still a field in its infancy. This leaves a wealth of opportunities for new discoveries, advancements, and yes, even world records waiting to be set! It's a frontier yet to be fully charted, and perhaps you could be the one to blaze a new trail.

Lucid Dreaming World Records

One such intriguing record waiting to be made is the most lucid dreams in one night. While there are anecdotes those who claim to experience lucidity in every dream, no verifiable record has been set for the most lucid dreams experienced in a single night.

Maybe this is your chance to etch your name in the annals of lucid dreaming history?

More importantly, the science of lucid dreaming itself has vast unexplored territories. As we learn more about the nature of consciousness, memory, and neurology, the secrets of our dream world continue to unfold.

So, If you're captivated by this field, why not consider a career in sleep science? It's a path that could lead to genuine, ground-breaking discoveries that transform our understanding of dreams and the human mind.

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