Over the years I've noticed an odd trend that the vast majority of the music in my dreams comes from the 50s and early 60s. So much so, that this era of music has become a standard dreamsign of mine.
This is not an era that I hold any particular special interest in, nor did I live through them.
However, there is something about the slight spooky reverb that imbues the music of that era that seems to fit the dreamscape very well.
Have you noticed any particular theme or era for the music in your own dreams?
As an example, last night I woke from a dream with this tune playing:
(oddly enough the dream had something of a sci-fi theme)
Another classic that has appeared playing in the background of many of my dreams is perfectly appropriate, Mr. Sandman, so much so that it has become one of my dreamsigns.
Love old music, I don't really have a type of music that shows up in my dreams, sometimes a dream does end with a song, for example in March this happened twice.
A song called love song for a vampire from the 1992 movie Dracula another was I wanna know what day it is a parody of I wanna know what love is by this family on YouTube that sings.
This is a nice Dream song;
"Please turn on your magic beam"
"Mr Sandman, bring me a dream"
I really like this song ;-)
I will probably also dream about it (or maybe just about the girl that is singing ;-)
I rarely have music in my dream, not what I can remember anyway.
I've never actually hear music that I can remember in any dream, is that odd?