Good evening.
I am curious, if someone else does an rc like me, that consists in doing a memory check (how i got here), a remembering check ( if i remember waking up), analyzing my surroundings for implausibility and a digital watch test.
i ask this because i feel its not very practical every time i see a trigger, to do all those, specially if im with another person that i dont know well enough to explain what im doing.
Is there stealth rc's you can do in a middle of a conversation, for example?
Can you vary the type of rc's you do each time?
Hope to hear from your experiences.
Stay lucid.
Best regards.
Just a quick update: I haven't had the time to look up the original mention of the "shoes, eyes, shoes" type reality test I referred to above, but I've created a clip of the part where it was mentioned in the DIRT stream:
I do the memory check a lot during the day, usually followed by looking around and trying to spot inconsistencies. Then a nose pinch, then taking off my glasses to see if my sight gets blurry or not, then the digital watch test. If I'm not alone, I either pretend to scratch my nose to camouflage the nose pinch, or I skip that and just take off my glasses to "clean them". Looking at my watch doesn't need to be explained away!
I know Daniel Love has mentioned -- I think it was during a stream -- that one stealthy way you could reality test while you're socialising is as follows:
When you're talking with someone and need to do a reality test, quickly alternate between looking at their eyes and their shoes a few times. Look at their eyes, look at their shoes, look back at their eyes, look back at their shoes. This sort of "overloads" your brain in a similar way to what using the digital watch test does, because you're looking back and forth quickly enough that your dreaming mind will have trouble keeping up, and anomalies are more likely to occur. Looking at one's watch isn't always good etiquette, obviously, so I myself find this idea very useful!
Off the top of my head, I can't recall exactly which stream this was mentioned... When I find out, I'll post an update here! I *think* it may have been the following stream, though I'm not entirely certain -- but in any case, I highly recommend watching this stream for those who may not have done so already, as I feel it's a very useful concept (and relevant to this topic):
UPDATE: I haven't found the original mention of this reality test yet, but it is covered briefly in this stream, at 7:15.
DIRT: Delayed Intentional Reality Test.
I do all the above including the nose pinch, I can get away with a subtle nose pinch which looks like I'm just almost scratching the end of my nose I guess but i don't worry about people thinking I'm odd! It would be an advantage to talk about what you are doing as it focuses your mind and then conversation on lucidity I'd imagine, much like wearing one of the "ask me if i'm dreaming" t-shirts.
The rest of your tests are pretty stealthy but you need that physical check, looking at your watch whilst talking to someone (which is my second test after a nose pinch) can be taken the wrong way mid conversation!!
As long as you can really commit to your tests as you do them, that's the key, sounds like you're doing a good job. Also, add in the "what would i do if my test failed" bit of the whole process would be my advice, assuming you don't already do that?
I don't tend to vary what tests i do unless i can't see my watch for example but that's the only time i do.
While I may not be the best to answer as there are way more experienced people on this forum, I do have a few things to say.
I do often incorporate one of your RCs into my own series of RCs and some are more practical in different situations. When I'm driving and I hear the radio starting to fade out (this is a new dream sign for me), it's less practical to do a nose pinch, so, I try and remember where I am driving from and to and why I'm driving (quickly, or at the next red light, safety first). I think it's alright to vary up your RCs due to multiple different factors, just make sure that you have some lined up if you can't use your primary ones.
I haven't been in a conversation where it's caused an RC in person, so, I can't say for sure what RC may be better for it. If you can't find one to do in the moment, remember to do one after the conversation is over. You don't want to make someone question what you're doing while they're talking about their favorite piece of wood working they've done. Again, I'm not the best source of knowledge by far, but, just wanted to add in my own thoughts.