I've been thinking of collecting quotes that have some kind of connection to lucid dreaming and lucid living for me, as I've noticed that many quotes seem to have been given a new layer of meaning since I started my lucid dreaming journey. Then I thought I'd ask all of you if you have any you would like to share 😊 I know @G Um posted one in the Telegram chat a little while back!
I'll start:
"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."
-- Suzy Kassem
"The dream of my life
Is to lie down by a slow river
And stare at the light in the trees--
To learn something by being nothing
A little while but the rich
Lens of attention"
-- Mary Oliver ("Entering the Kingdom")
I stumbled across a Ted Talk recently by Thomas Peisel and he said this: "Our dreams have a present moment just as rich and vivid as this moment right now." I love this, because when we wake up and remember a dream, what we are remembering is simply the memory of that dream that has already happened and is over with. I think it's important for us to remember that our dreams do have that all-important present moment which makes it possible for us to become lucid to begin with. It reminds us that lucidity can only exist in the eternal now.