Dreamwalker Technique

The Dreamwalker technique is the condensed little brother of the Journey Technique and shares similarities to the VILD technique. However, it has been refined to offer the highest chances of success.
The Dreamwalker technique is best suited to those who are visual learners but can be adapted to fit kinesthetic or auditory learners.
In many ways, it is a "holy grail" technique, insomuch that when it works, it can be one of the most powerful and seamless transitions into the dreamworld. It feels magical.
Of course, as always, the technique alone will be unlikely to regularly induce lucidity. Instead, it must be used in tandem with daily lucid dream practice, such as dream journaling, reality checks, and the firm foundational practices of lucid dreaming.
The Dreamwalker technique is the invention of lucid dream researcher, Daniel Love.
The Technique
Originally I called this the "20 steps technique", however it deserved a more impressive title.
During the day, pick a room that is roughly 20 steps from your bed. For most people, this will be the bathroom. 20 steps are just an approximation of the distance required for the technique, the most important point is that it must be a route you take often through your house, and one that you know very well. Not too far, and ideally between 20 to 40 steps away.
Whenever you enter this room during the day, perform a reality check. I recommend placing a digital clock in this room to make the process considerably easier.
Whenever you walk from your bedroom to this room (or vice versa), pay attention to your surroundings, and attempt to maintain focused critical awareness. Be open to the possibility that you may be dreaming.
During the night, if you wake from a dream, are performing a WBTB or the Love Method, and if you are struggling with other techniques or insomnia, perform this technique.
As you lie in bed, imagine in real-time and with as much detail as possible, getting out of bed and walking to your chosen room.
It is absolutely vital that you attempt to really engage in this visualization. Count the steps, "touch" the surroundings with your imagined hands, feel the floor beneath your imagined feet. Hear the sounds of the room. Focus on whichever sense is you find easiest to imagine.
When you "arrive" in the chosen room, perform an imagined reality check within the visualization (ideally using a digital clock—however any stability check will do, such as the colour change test).
Once complete, turn around and repeat the process as you walk back to your bed.
When you return to your bed, check to see if you can see your body in the bed (consider this a very blatant reality check). If not, visualize getting back into bed and assuming the exact position of your physical body. This completes one cycle.
Once completed, start the whole process again.
Continue to engage in this visualization: walking to the room, performing the reality check, returning to you bed, checking for your body, and getting back into your original position
This technique relies on detailed visualization and repetition. Continue this process until you transition into a dream.
If all goes well you should find that at some point during the repeated visualization you will realize that the scene is no longer imagined and has transitioned into a fully-fledged lucid dream.
Of course, this technique is best performed when you can be certain you are soon to enter REM.
Daniel Love
Skill Level:
Lucid Dream Type:
Maintained Awareness (WILD)
(anecdotal & community reported)
Sense preference suited:
Hints & Tips:
This technique should be performed during a brief awakening or after the WBTB technique.
Take extra care to perform the visualization in real time, do not rush.
If you struggle with visualization, use whichever sensory imagination you find easiest.
Watch a complete Dreamwalker video tutorial here.