Dream Exit Induced Lucid Dream (DEILD)

Dream Exit Induced Lucid Dream (DEILD) is a relatively new (2007) community developed technique and was named and made popular by LD4ALL and Dreamviews member, Klace.
However, the approach itself is certainly nothing new, and should more correctly be called Dream re-entry.
While the DEILD naming and steps shared below can be attributed to Klace, the premise itself is considerably older, and should be a rather self-evident and logical conclusion that most thoughtful lucid dreamers would instigate naturally.
It is rather grandious to consider DEILD a true lucid dreaming technique, as it is more accurately a simple logical principle that should be the intuitive behaviour of any proficient lucid dreamer. Namely, that a dreamer should attempt to re-enter REM if they awaken directly from the state, as it is possible the REM phase is incomplete, allowing for a perfectly timed direct re-entry into REM dreaming.
This approach acts primarily as a WILD induction technique (although it can result in sporadic DILDs)
It takes only a few moments to perform, does not interrupt your natural sleeping patterns, and if the conditions are favourable, is a highly effective lucid dream induction technique.
The following tutorial is based on Klace's original post, but has been rewritten for clarity and updated in order to improve upon its effectiveness and to clarify some irrational/unnecassary steps included in the original post.
The Technique
Step 1
Practice increasing one's awareness of the regular brief awakenings that occur after a period of REM.
Step 2
When such an awakening occurs, be certain to remain absolutely still* The idea is to avoid any physical movement that will pull you out of sleep. Instead, remain in the position you find yourself. This will allow sleep paralysis to reengage and a rapid reentry into the dreaming state.
* Note: this step is included to maintain the complete details of the original technique. However, complete stillness is absosolutely not necassary for dream reentry, and can even cause insomnia. This step is founded on an illogical principle, and stems from the original creators misunderstanding of the nature of sleep. In short: If you need to move for comfort, then it is absolutely fine to move.
Step 3
During this brief period of wakefulness, attempt to visualize a scene, physical movement, or both. Good examples include: rolling out of the bed, running or dancing around your bedroom, or any scene or movement you find easy to imagine.
Step 4
Continue this imagining until the scene/movement is no longer a vague phantom of the imagination and has becomes the vividly realistic experience of a dream.
You may enter a period of sleep paralysis during this process, this can be unsettling for those who are unfamiliar with the experience. However, it is nothing to fear and is a sign that the technique is working. Simply ride it out until the dream has formed.
Step 5
Remember to perform a reality check once the dream has formed. This is essentially unnecessary as it is generally quite apparent that one is dreaming, however it is good practice and will help solidify your lucidity.
Step 6
If the dream fades and you find yourself waking up, start the process again from step 1. In this manner it can be possible to have multiple lucid dreams in a row, a process known as "dream chaining".
Klace (LD4ALL)
Skill Level:
Lucid Dream Type:
Maintained Awareness (WILD)
(anecdotal & community reported)
Sense preference suited:
Hints & Tips:
Do not panic if sleep paralysis occurs—this is a (rare) sign that the process is working.
Sleep atonia will occur during all successful attempts, but will likely go unnoticed, often resulting in a smooth transition between the physical and dream bodies. This is especially common when one chooses to imagine a physical movement.
Generally this technique only takes a handful of minutes, however a longer period of wakefulness is not a cause for concern as it can often lead to a lucid dream of incredible mental clarity.
Remember to perform the process each time you wake from a dream, allowing for "dream chaining".
Watch a full DEILD video tutorial here.