Anchor Technique

The anchor technique is one of the more pleasant and simple techniques for inducing a Wake Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD), although it can also easily result in a Dream Initiated Lucid Dream (DILD).
Anchor is also a fantastic tool for experimental dream incubation, as the choice of auditory cue can often influence the content of one's dreams.
It is a perfect technique for spontaneous WILD attempts when sleeping in an unfamiliar environment with any recurring sounds. Many have experienced unexpected WILDs as a result of a naturally occurring anchor process. Heavy rainstorms, the sound of the ocean, or distracting ambient sounds have long been associated with the occurrence of spontaneous lucid dreams.
Learn more about the Anchor technique with our complete video tutorial here.
The Technique
1) During a natural awakening, nap, or a WBTB attempt, play a relaxing piece of music, ideally without vocals, on loop, as one returns to sleep. Alternatively any repetitive sound, such as a ticking clock can be used.
2) Close your eyes and let yourself drift into sleep. Gently attach your awareness to the music, allowing it to act as an "anchor", a means to remind yourself to maintain mental focus and lucidity.
3) If your mind drifts, gently return to the music, and reaffirm that it will act as a constant reminder to stay alert and lucid. Pay attention to any fluctuations in the sound. Does it appear distant or distorted? Is the sound cutting out and then returning?
4) At some point you will find your mind shifting from the waking state to the dream state. Often this can be accompanied by a sensation that one is listening to the music from a distance, or falling through a tunnel—further from the source of music. At this point simply "go with the flow" and wait until the dream has formed.
Daniel Love
Skill Level:
Lucid Dream Type:
Regained & Maintained (DILD & WILD)
(anecdotal & community reported)
Sense preference suited:
Hints & Tips:
Experiment with different types of sounds and music. You will find some have an unusual influence on dream content.
Even if the technique does not result in a WILD, often the music will act a cue initiating a DILD.
Anchor can be used spontaneously if one is sleeping in an environment with any constant artificial or natural sound, such as the sea, rain, a ticking clock, hum of a fan etc.
Discover more with our Anchor Video Tutorial here.