So far, all my WILD took place in my bed room. There are not many possibilities I can or want to do.
It wouldn't be a problem if I lived in basement but I live in 7th floor and I don't want to risk to fly outside (in case I have a sleep disorder I don't know about) or going out by taking elevator or stairs (because the dream could end by the time I get outside).
It would be nice if I could teleport to another scene. Have you tried it, guys? Is it hard to learn it? Any tips? What kind of teleportation do you think is the easiest to learn?
The possibilities could be for example, these:
- Door to another scene - just to open the door and see another scene (I guess it is quite hard)
- Close eyes and turn around several times (this could be simpler; I am not sure about the closing eyes though)
- Just close eyes and open them
- Use a magic wand and create a portal (I guess it is the hardest one)
_ Be super-fast and take the stairs in a few seconds (not exactly a teleportation but it could be enough)
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Is it hard to teleport to another scene in WILD?
Is it hard to teleport to another scene in WILD?
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While I've never have had a WILD, I have had multiple DILDs where I experimented with this topic. I don't know if teleportation methods will vary due to the nature in which the lucid was either a WILD or a DILD, but, since I have had a few successes with teleportation in dreams, I figured I might as well say how my experiences went.
The portal method for me is very iffy. I've successfully summoned a portal in two lucids (with varying levels of mental clarity) and failed once. If you want to form a portal, I would recommend you have a clear picture of where you want it to lead to and have a clear intention. It also helps if you have the clear intention that you know you can form a portal. I don't know if it was from a lack of experience, but, when I tried to summon my first portal, I had to try twice to get one to form. Once I flew threw it, I was successfully somewhere else but it wasn't exactly where I wanted to be. The second lucid I had where I summoned a portal had a better outcome, but, it still wasn't perfect.
Personally, the super speed method works better. It takes less time/focus (for me) than trying to summon a portal. Mind you, I do often lose lucidity or wake up after speeding around, but, it will help change scenery. I also
The most important thing is to not hyper-fixate on the method of how you change the scenery but your dream goal. I have fallen down the rabbit hole of getting to step one in my dream goals and then completely forgetting to do the rest of the steps in order to accomplish it. Also, don't focus too much on past attempts (easier said than done).
I'm no expert, but, these are my experiences and thoughts based off of them. I wish you well in your attempts!
My lucid dreams almost always start in my bedroom, so I'm having a similar problem! What has worked for me in one WILD was going to a large cupboard and imagining that when I opened it, the door would lead to another scene entirely. However, it only worked on the second try (the first time, behind the door there was just the ordinary contents of the cupboard). What I'm still working on: I have painted different landscapes and attached them to the same cupboard, in the hopes of learning to use them as a sort of portkey. Aka, touch one landscape and imagine that the door will lead to a landscape like it. However, that is still a work in progress. I have had dreams where I saw these little paintings, but I was not lucid in them. What I also want to try is imagining that I'm in the holodeck, like in Star Trek, so I can just tell it to change to a different scene.