For the last two years+, I've had very good dream recall for the most part. There have been short stretches where I do not remember as many dreams as usual, but I still had decent recall during those stretches. I'm currently in a couple week stretch where I remember a dream less than half of the days, compared to my usual average of 2-4 dreams per night. Any tips for how to build my recall back up?
As a note, I have been thinking about dreams a lot lately and I've gotten lucid a couple of times in the last few weeks, but those memories were not very vivid and I don't remember many non lucid dreams in this stretch. Very excited for when the recall is built back up though. Good luck getting lucid to anyone who reads this
Update: Thanks to @StumpedSlicken and @Mikka Liest for the help. I've followed your advice, reading old dreams before bed, meditating and doing yoga before bed, and journaling whatever I remembered from the night (waking up with dry throat, body temperature, etc.) and I've remembered 2-3 somewhat unclear dreams each night for the last few days and last night had the most vivid dream I've had in months.
I've found over time that doing video games or things that cause the mind to have a harder time winding down before bed has made my recall much harder! I was having pretty decent recall for a couple days in a row after getting more sleep, but on the night I helped you with Minecraft modding recently, I was mad with the technical difficulties and how late it got and recall was so much harder that morning! The next day, I avoided this and it came back just like the previous days. I believe this happened because it caused hardly any NREM-3 (hinders recall) to happen in the first half of sleep and most of it happened in the second half where I normally recall dreams. This is probably the same reason I've found my dream recall is so much higher when exercising more, especially within the last couple hours before bed. It probably causes me to get very little to no NREM-3 in the last few sleep cycles because the requirement was higher and it happened earlier in the night and the body was just done with it afterwards.
That being said, I would start by just giving one night where you maybe wrap up video games preferably at least an hour before going to bed and do something simpler, like watching Daniel's videos or something of that sort that helps wind the mind down. Maybe you would consider following the same advice you gave me and do yoga, or even meditation before bed. Just try it for one night and see if you notice a difference. If you do, then obviously keep trying on good nights and stick to it like you do with your exercise! I'm sure this is the very reason my dream recall isn't that good when we do our motocross nights during the weekend. Ironic? I think not. Give that a shot and see if you notice a difference. I can't guarantee anything, but try it out as I've noticed a huge difference and correlation for myself.