Hi guys, first post here. I couldn't see a discussion on dream signs/journalling and had a few queries. Since 1 month ago I've been journalling my dreams every morning but I'm stuck at completely finding my dream signs and I'll explain why:
I have been going through my journal following the way Daniel writes about in his book but it gets me stuck. I have things eg Impossible event, Strong emotion, time distortion, coincidence, to name a few, but the way it's told in the book doesn't allow for things that are seemingly normal that often pop up in dreams. What I mean is I have totally normal events/things pop up on a regular basis that aren't strange or any different really to real life (maybe now that I write this if I did deeeeper I could probably find something, but still not always). For example, more than an uncommon occurrence/theme would be something to do with my phone but it won't always be any of my other dream signs. As well as finding the difference between my waking world and dreaming world, do I also find reoccurring themes/objects/events? I'm stuck at dream signs and any advice is appreciated!
Thanks all!
Video to the Dreamcatcher technique Conner mentioned:
I hadn’t seen it so since I was there, figured I’d add the link!
Hi Charlie,
Yes, you should also be identifying themes as well. I have many themes that occur in my dreams often that seem very similar to waking life (ie my mom, dad, house, driving/car). Depending on what the specific theme is, it's up to you how you work with that data to get you lucid (you could, for example, use Daniels Graffiti method if it's a scene that appears often).
One example from my journal is my house. Considering I'm in my house a lot, this makes it hard to know when to RC. So what I often do is Daniels Dreamcatcher Technique. This has helped me to get lucid on at least one occasion and keeps me extra vigilant and mindful when I'm inside of my house. Another example is being at my families lake cottage. Studying these dreams, I notice that most of the time something strange is happening in the sky (weird/scary weather, bombs, fireworks, and so on). So whenever I'm at the cottage in waking life (which is very often) I'm constantly keeping my eyes on the sky. One time in one of these lake themed dreams, I was staring at an airplane in the sky as it flew past. It had an unusually long neck and was flying really low to the tree line. In the dream, I didn't think anything odd of this, but I was thinking "if this were a dream right now, it would look as real as this" (dream me can be an absolute idiot sometimes 😂). So now whenever I see a plane in the sky at the lake, I really engage my critical faculties and ensure that it's not flying too low, that the look of the plane looks correct, ect. (and I perform a reality check, bc why not?). Just try to find a way to be extra vigilant whenever you are around those themes in waking life, proactively trying to notice oddities and reasons to RC and keeping your mind engaged. You could also rescript these dreams and use visualization, adding lucid schemas. The phone is a tough one, but that just means you have to be a bit more creative. Hope this helps a little : )