You might have seen this recent post by @Corbin Stratton , talking about something that we as a community wanted to do: to collectively decide on dream goals each month that we can all try to achieve in our lucid dreams. In the comments of his post, everybody could suggest goals, and everybody could vote for goals by upvoting them. Credits to ol ALPHA lo for the idea!

Here are the three goals that the community picked:
Goal #1 (1st place): suggested by @Saffrinian 1
Go to the center of the earth. Everyone likes flying, but what about tunneling or falling down to the earth’s core? Maybe enter through a crystalline cavern, crawling through crevasses. Lucid spelunking, it will be. Then we will know for “certain” if there’s dinosaurs or something down there 😂. All you have to do is get to the middle of our planet. Best of luck!
Goal #2 (tied 2nd place): suggested by @Mikka Liest
Go diving without gear – you can breathe underwater. Visit a coral reef or watch tropical fishes, maybe find a sunken pirate ship and take a piece of their loot... Whatever you can think of!
Goal #3 (tied 2nd place): suggested by @martin allen
Find a mirror,ask your reflection to come out of the mirror.A nice easy one for people to try 🙂
Now it's your turn!
Try to challenge yourself to complete one of these goals by dreaming about it in a lucid dream. You can try one, you can try all... But once you complete a goal, post about your lucid dreams here in the comments section to inspire all of us!
Goal #3:
Mirror Me - Part 2 (later in the night)
The part of the dream leading up to the point until I become lucid escapes my memory a bit. I believe it started as a "fake" lucid dream, as I remember standing on a street somewhere and moving the large green signs that hang over expressways with my mind powers. I was not lucid during this part, however.
Something triggers me into true lucidity [I believe it was seeing a large mirror sitting in the trunk of a car that was parked in front of me]. I suddenly remember what I was trying to accomplish earlier, and I jump into action again. Without wasting any time, I stand directly in front of the mirror and once again stick my hand out for my reflection to grab. He does. I begin pulling as hard as I can. I see half of my reflections arm come through the mirror as I pull on it ( I can see a noticeably different skin tone on his arm compared to mine), but he remains stuck. I think of another idea. I decide to try and carve a circle/opening into the mirror with my fingernail. I do this, but it doesn't leave any noticeable mark on the glass (only a very faint outline where I drew). Regardless, I take my right fist and punch the hole I made. It pops out effortlessly and falls "into" the mirror. The empty space it leaves behind is noticeably brighter than the rest of the mirror (like I'm seeing "inside" of it). We grab hands again, and I watch as he ducks his head through the hole and comes out. He stands to my right. I feel so excited that I finally accomplished this goal, and I look at him and do the sign that commonly means "finally!" in American Sign Language. It's also at this point I notice that mirror me is suddenly naked (😮😂). I don't look down at his lower half, but I see his bare chest. We are both standing there, and I'm not sure what to do next. I stand there thinking, and accidently begin disengaging from the scene a bit. I feel the dream fading, and I just allow myself to slowly transition into my real body in bed and open my eyes.
Goal #3:
Mirror Me - Part 1
I'm at the lake standing in the kitchen. I'm in front of the mirror by the trash can [it is a long mirror that runs all the way to the floor]. I have my arms crossed and am standing with my weight on my right leg. I'm thinking about something, when I suddenly notice that my reflection in the mirror is moving it's feet. This confuses me, and I think that I imagined it. I go back to thinking. I notice the same thing happen again. I watch as my feet in the mirror move erratically like they are dancing. I feel very confused by this and look down at my own feet to make sure they are not really moving. I remain standing and unmoving. This triggers me to begin a reality check. I walk over underneath the doorway by the stairs and bend/crouch down. I'm trying to think really hard the last time I fell asleep. I can't remember and feel a bit panicked and stressed out that I can't remember. I stand back up and walk back towards the mirror. I pinch my nose and can breathe! I stand there and breathe in and out a few times, enjoying the feeling. I can now clearly remember being in my bed recently and going to sleep.
There are a few gaps in memory during these next two paragraphs. There are two scene shifts that happened after the previous scene and I think I lost a little lucidity briefly. I gain it back after a short time.
(semi-lucid) I am now in my bedroom standing next to my bed [my bedroom is right next to the kitchen. I don't remember how I got in there though]. I am having trouble controlling/moving my body. I remain standing there, unable to move. On the wall to my left, I see a round disk like object and I am trying to move towards it to grab it. After a minute, I am able to walk towards it and grab it off the wall.
Scene shift
(semi-lucid) I am now back in the kitchen. I find a guitar [I don't remember where or how] and I have it in my hands. I have the idea that I want to play it and see if I will be able to magically play it well since it's a dream [I don't play guitar in real life]. I stand in the middle of the room and strum it a few times. Not much sound comes out and it sounds dull. Suddenly, I remember my dream goal. I get really excited and jump into action...
I promptly walk back over to the mirror I was by at the beginning. I say to my refection, "well, come on!" as I gesture with my hand for him to come out. Nothing happens, and I don't wait. I put out my right hand for him to grab as I say "here!" Immediately, my reflection reaches out and grasps my hand. This really excites me, as the sensation of our hands touching feels so real and I am glad my idea worked. I start trying to pull him out, but he is not budging. I feel the resistance and it's like he is stuck in there. I am putting a bit too much effort into pulling and think I ended the dream, as I don't remember what happens after this.