I had my first WILD using the LOVE technique. It worked really well, but this question has been nagging at the back of my mind. Will it affect my sleep cycle? Will I get used to it and have a harder time falling asleep? Should I alternate between techniques like LOVE and WBTB to maximize my chances at lucidity?
One more question is that if I awake from my first lucid dream using the LOVE technique, can I still attempt WBTB later in the night? All of these questions are assuming I have a regular time I go to sleep and wake up.
Daniel Love recommends a maximum of 2-3 WILD attempts a week at the most. This is because, as you have noted, it will affect your sleep cycle and likely make WILDs less effective if you do more than that number. On the LOVE method page, it says that WBTB can be attempted later the same night if you want to. As with most things relating to lucid dreaming, it’s a good idea to experiment with what works best for you (with your and others health at the highest priority of course.)
So basically the answer to all of your questions is yes.