Hey everyone, I hope this question won't seem too basic. But I was wondering - why is it necessary to do the daytime practice for the Dreamwalker technique?
Here are some of my thoughts:
- I gathered that it is mostly a technique for WILD attempts (although of course, any WILD attempt does increase your DILD chances as well because you "think more" about lucid dreaming in general)
- for a WILD attempt, RCs seem to be a bit misleading since in my imagination, I often (involuntarily) see myself lying in bed or imagine an impossible or changing clock, although it is still just a visualisation)
- and yet, Daniel often mentions that the day time practice of doing RCs whenever you enter your chosen room is crucial.
Is there another reason for it (except maybe for helping you to visualise at night because you spent more time focussing on the room details)? In general, my imagination is quite vivid and looks a lot like reality. But maybe I got something about this method completely wrong.
Hope someone can help out!
The daytime practice is important, it's required to help build a really firm set of neural pathways connecting that journey to observant, critical thinking, and to cement the reality test. Consider it also as a form of walking meditation, it's a space within the day where you really engage your mind and practice the mindset you'll need during lucidity.