I Have School To Do And Do And I Can Not Use Very Many Other Methods As They Require Waking Up With An Alarm. The Only Method I Am Able to do Is The Intention Method. So Do People Have Much Success With The Intention Method? Also Are There Other Methods to Lucid Dreaming That Do Not Require Waking Up With An Alarm?
Sweet Lucid Dreams,Flynn Jones
Hi there, and welcome to the forum (I absolutely love your avatar 😂)!
As you said that you are new to lucid dreaming, I would highly recommend that you watch Lucid Dream Portal's back catalogue of videos. Saffrinian has already given you a couple of great tips -- so I will add a few video links for you below.
MILD Technique - The ORIGINAL & Correct Version
The REAL and Complete Guide to the MILD Technique
Lucid Dreaming: the ULTIMATE Guide? - (Intense!) - How to Lucid Dream for Beginners
Of course, and again, Lucid Dream Portal's YouTube channel is full of incredibly helpful videos on lucid dreaming, so I highly recommending watching as many of them as you can! The three I've linked above are just three I feel are relevant to your thread here 😊
Good luck on your lucid adventure, and I hope we'll be seeing that dancing goose a lot here on the forum! 😊
I’m not exactly sure what ”the intention” is, but I do know some techniques for you to try.
The main 2 absolutely must-do techniques are dream journalling and reality tests, both of which don’t require waking up in the middle of the night.
This website has a section on techniques, there is a slider menu on the upper right hand corner of the device or computer to find it.