So today just happens to be the 1-year anniversary of the “Lucid Lockdown” livestream series! Last year, Daniel hosted one livestream every day for the month of April, starting from the very basics of lucid dreaming fundamentals, progressing towards topics such as dream control and more challenging lucid dreaming techniques. (I believe all of the streams are available for a certain tier of members on his YouTube Channel for those who missed them). The series of livestreams ran like a fun, interactive class and was really the beginning of the community surrounding the YouTube channel, this forum, and telegram chat.
This was only a few weeks into the pandemic, and personally I pretty much was staying at my home for the whole month. I had always been interested in lucid dreaming, having learned about it in 2013, and experienced moderate success practicing casually over the years. However, one positive thing that resulted from the lockdown at that time was being able to fully dive into the subject of lucid dreaming, as I only had minimal responsibilities with school and a break from work due to the world circumstances. I remember Daniel saying something along the lines of “if you are not going to get serious about lucid dreaming now, then when will you ever?”. This was a great point as I essentially had an uninterrupted month to learn more about lucid dreaming and practice. This was honestly the most productive thing I could have done during that time, as when you are stuck at home, what better thing to do than explore the wonders of your own mind?
I made this post for a number of reasons:
1. Total number of lucid dreams from April 1st 2020 to April 1st 2021
a. I have achieved 31 lucid dreams in this time frame!
b. This is not a competition or for bragging rights, I just think it would be awesome to see how much everyone has grown as a lucid dreamer in the past year and to see how many lucid dreams occurred between us.
2. To reflect on our lucid journeys the past year
a. There is too much to share in one forum post regarding everything lucid-dreaming related that has occurred this past year (see the rest of the forum for that! Lol) however it could be nice for everyone to reflect on how you improved as a lucid dreamer, be it in waking life or in the dream world. Share anything you think is important, favorite dreams, important lessons learned, things you enjoyed about this overall experience, the resources available, etc. I don’t want to dominate this thread with just my experience, this is a community celebration!
3. To say thanks to Daniel
a. Thanks for the wonderful idea to have the Lucid Lockdown series, I honestly think it was the perfect thing to do back then. It provided a twaddle-free foundation and refresher on lucid dreaming and expanded the topic in ways I had previously not considered, allowing me to immerse myself in the topic in April and into May. The last year has been my most successful lucid dreaming year yet, and the catalyst for that was definitely this series.
While I haven't found the channel until sometime in autumn or so (with binge-watching the Lucid Lockdown streams in January) I started my own quest for lucidity a little over a year ago so I got an anniversary to celebrate, too. 😀
Isn't it awesome to look back and think "woah, I've been at it for so long and come so far, anything that happens from now on will be amazing"? 😁
I've only had 6 lucids over the lst year 😪 with just over 200 dreams recorded in my DJ (although there have been long gaps where I didn't record any). I'm still remebering a typical 2 dreams per night - just got lazy at times not recording them.
I know it's my own fault for not doing enough daytime practice. Must get back into it again!
I’ll definitely make a longer post somewhere on July 27, when the one year challenge video is a year old. However, I do think I started dream journalling around this time last year? I didn’t used to put the dates on them, that was a mistake. So, this being unofficially my first year of lucid dreaming, I think it has gone really well, and the community is awesome!