Hello guys! I’m new here and i wanted to ask some questions!
I don’t want to make this post long so i will try to keep it as short as possible.
I have been looking into lucid dreaming awhile now and yesterday i had my first lucid dream🙏😇
it was super short but it felt AMAZING. Everything was so real… i have started doing reality checks alot now and that helped me to question reality in my dream, so i did it!! I was in bathroom and looked into a mirror and my face was wierd and changed alot, so i started laughing and was like wtf is this… so i was thinking of doing a reality check but then i was like “this is not a dream, how could it be? This feels so real” but then i looked at my fingers and they were messed up and i realised that i was dreaming… it was soo amazing haha i couldn’t believe it. So i tried to stay calm but woke up too quickly…
AND NOW, the next day i experienced lucid dreaming again but this time it went on a little longer. I wanted to start learning in there because i found it hard to make something happen… like i have seen some videos where they say how to create portals and go somewhere ealse or think of something and it appears behind your back but i found it hard to do… so then i started questioning even if its a dream cuz nothing happened, i wanted to open a portal to another place so bad…
and then it happened!!! I saw a portal just like in this picture and it was thailand and i saw elephants so i went in!
It was a wierd experience but long story short i wanted to go to another place and yet again i still couldn’t make a new portal, it was very challenging.
Soo my big question is this…
Is it hard just because of my own imagination is weak or i really need to start learning things in my dream? Like how to control them better and make things happen instantly.