The inspiration for this idea is Daniel's, I'm having so much fun i thought I would share.
You will need a pc or mac
Joystick or gamepad I'm using USB joystick.
Optional vr headset for your mobile phone an app called Trinus and your smartphone
(I'm still working on this) lots of YouTube videos on how to set it up.
Download & install Google earth Pro app for your pc/mac
Open the earth app, go to tools - options and on the pop up screen
Max the settings for the best you pc can handle.
3d view
I have terrain both boxes ticked
Use photorealistic rendering
Under navigation tab make sure you have enable controller ticked
Apply all those and exit that window.
Before hiding the side bar
Enter the location you want to fly around and press enter.
Then go to the tools tab again and click enter flight sim mode.
Choose the sr22 aircraft, its slower and easier to control
Choose where you want to start
Current location is best.
Click start flight.
When the flight sim mode starts press space bar to pause and press the f key until its says flaps 100% on the left of the screen display in green
You can pause the sim anytime with space bar.
Press h on the keyboard to hide the on screen hud display and then use your joystick to fly about.
Hope that explains it enough, if anyone needs anything further let me.
Happy flying.