I have been compiling technique alterations and ideas for a while now. Is it ok to post it on the Lucid Dream Techniques board? Most of the techniques I've been building are primarily for myself, so I'm not sure how much they can help others, but in case they do I just wanted to post my findings. Many of them are helpful alterations to existing techniques or elaborations on existing techniques.
Also, if I wanted to post a lucid dream survey, what board should I post it in? The survey will largely focus on LD technique usage, LD frequency vs. the amount of days practicing, and that sort.
I guess while I'm here I might as well ask a more generalized question: How often do y'all get false awakenings? If you have gotten them, do they often coincide with a lucid dream or pertain to lucid dreaming? I've been recording my dream patterns and found that a vast majority of my false awakenings are closely related to LDs, and around half result in them.
I am prone to false awakenings. Several years ago, I used to get false awakenings AFTER lucid dreams. As in, I'd have a lucid dream, wake up, feel bummed, and then the walls would bleed or there would be a thunderstorm in my kitchen and THAT would startle me awake for good.
This year, I had a few dreams that were the other way round: the false awakening came first, and then I sometimes realized that I couldn't actually be awake and became lucid. (Wearing a sleep mask makes that easier: if I wake up and can see and the room is bright, I am definitely still asleep.)